Sunday, May 9, 2010

Today's Mother's Day so Grandpa brought
Grandma over to see me; she thought
Daddy's gift could be me.

I now know how to crawl, which means I get
into a lot of mischief. My Mommy decided
to purchase some special mats
to help me get around.

I also have a lot of toys in my new play area to
keep me moving from one thing to the next.

One of my favorite things to do is find
my socks that Mama puts in a special
compartment I have to open all
by myself.

While Grandpa visited, he got to
see the progress of our new house.
How do you like the ladders to the second floor?

These our new entry doors.

On both sides of the entry doors are large
pictures windows that will let in a lot of light.

Mama is explaining to Grandpa where the kitchen
will be placed in the room, which is to the right
of the large window in the middle of room.
Mama and Daddy finalized the custom
cabinets today.

This is the second story of our house. You
are looking at the front bedroom.

I love when Grandpa and Grandma come over
to see me. I especially love being with Mommy
and Daddy outside with great weather.

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